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Increase Your Store Conversations By Using An Optimized Marketing Funnel

By using an optimized marketing funnel, we will literally get you new customers  every single day, while you just focus on yourself…

Marketing is important... but there are already 101 things on your to-do list.

And they're all important too!

So How Do You Optimize Your Marketing?


That's fine if you have very little on your plate. But if you're pretty swamped already... this isn't a viable option.


Finding good people isn't easy. Training and onboarding staff is costly. And even if you do find the perfect man or woman for the position... you're still depending on one person!


Don't have a marketing budget of tens of thousands of dollars? Then you might end up having your account managed by the intern of the assistants' assistant. Not exactly optimal.

Why Is an Optimized Funnel Important?

Boost Conversions

Say goodbye to lost opportunities. By simplifying the buying process, our optimized funnel reduces friction and increases the chances of turning visitors into loyal customers.

Faster Revenue

With a well-designed funnel in place, potential customers are guided seamlessly through the sales journey, resulting in higher conversion rates and ultimately, increased revenue for your business.

Less Bounce Rates

Our optimized funnel minimizes bounce rates by ensuring visitors take the desired actions on your website, enhancing their overall user experience.

Build Trust

Our thoughtful funnel design encourages customers to interact with your brand, fostering a deeper connection and trust in your product or service.

more Data

Our optimized funnel enables targeted data collection, that helps you better understand your customers behavior, preferences, and pain points, guiding strategic business decisions.

happy Customers

Loyal customers are the heart of your business. Our intuitive funnel experience helps build customer loyalty and retention, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Prioritize Users

User experience is our top priority. Our well-designed funnel puts your users first, ensuring a seamless, visually appealing, and easy-to-navigate website experience.

Brand Reputation

Stand out from the crowd. A professional and optimized funnel showcases your commitment to customer satisfaction and adaptability, boosting your brand's reputation in the eyes of your customers.

better Decisions

Data is your ally. By analyzing funnel performance, you gain valuable insights for informed decisions on product development, marketing strategies, and targeted customer engagement.

"OK... So What Makes You So Different?"


I'm not hidden away in an anonymous call center. I'll work locally, so you know where to find me if you need me.


We will set systems and daily communication channels to assure your best experience and best satisfaction.


Jack of all trades... master of none. Specialization works. That's why I work with industries I know, so I can guarantee results.


I only win if you win. That's the basis for a good partnership. You won't carry all the risk, we'll share it.


My first priority is to achieve results for you as a customer. Less blah, more results.

Okay, Now Let's Talk About Pricing.

You have to understand that there isn’t a clear way that I charge for my services. It depends on the business and the work I do. But it can fall into one of two categories…


This is also very simple. I get paid on a commitment-based deal... So a percentage of whatever revenue I make for your store.

For example, if we run ads for a retargeting campaign and I also reconstruct your website, you would pay the management fees of the ads, but you would pay me (let's say) 10% of the profits I bring to your business. It's a win-win situation.


It's simple... You would pay a recurring management fee for the work I do for your business.

For example, if we run ads for a retargeting campaign and I also reconstruct your website, you would pay the management fees for the ads and the website, which is directly related to the results I bring to your business.

But other than that, all of the pricing aspects will be discussed when we start a marketing project.

Here's What I Did For Past Clients...

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Still Reading?

What are you waiting for? We'll take care of the marketing, while you can take care of your business... No obligations, no annoying high pressure sales tactics. Just me and you, on the phone, talking business.

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